The Perfect French with Dylane


How to pronounce SOURCILS in French?

How to Pronounce Sourcils in French?

How to Pronounce Sourcils in French.

French pronunciation of sourcils in French can sometimes be tricky. Even more when a word has 2 different pronunciations!

Let’s look at both pronunciations of Sourcils and see which one is the correct one.

Don’t forget to learn the gender of nouns when you learn French vocabulary.

=> fn. for feminine nouns – mn. for masculine nouns


The first pronunciation of sourcils is when the L is pronounced. It is the most common and also the easiest to learn.

Let’s look at the pronunciation with the IPA:

Des sourcils – Eyebrows /suʁ.sil/ (mn.)

=> Don’t forget that plural of nouns are not pronounced in French. The final S is silent. 


The second pronunciation of sourcils is when the L is NOT pronounced. You will find this pronunciation in Canada and some parts of Europe.

Let’s look at the pronunciation with the IPA:

Des sourci(ls)  Eyebrows /suʁ.si/ (mn.) 

=> In this case, L and S are not pronounced. The last audible sound of the word is I.

Final Thoughts

As you read, both pronunciations of sourcils are fine and correct. You can choose the one you prefer, the one you can remember easily.

From my personal experience, after teaching this word again and again, I find that it’s easier to learn SOURCILS /suʁ.sil/, simply because of the word CILS Lashes.

Since the word CILS has only one pronunciation with the final L pronounced, it’s simply easier to remember both words by pronouncing the end of the words the same way. 

Des sourcils – Eyebrows /suʁ.sil/ (mn.)
Des cils – Eyelashes /sil/ (mn.)

What about you? Which pronunciation are you going to use?

So here you have it, in one minute, you learned something new in French. If you want to learn the pronunciation, check out the video below.

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2 Responses

  1. Dylane, as you know, proper French pronunciation is so important to me. I review your Pronunciation Course frequently, as well as take advantage of your many pronunciation videos and workshops, to help keep my muscle memory in shape. The “Pronunciation” tab on your new website is very well used by me. The notes, and especially with the audio to reinforce pronunciation, is amazing! I am so impressed with the quality of content as well as the enormous amount of very useful content you continue to give to us, your learners. Dylane, You are an amazing person! I can’t thank you enough.

    1. Christine, I am so sorry for the late reply but I have been unwell this week. I am so happy you are using the audio on the website. I am still figuring out how to make them in the best way possible so if something doesn’t;t work please let me know 🙂
      I should be able to make more content when I recover and when I am done writing the subjunctive textbook 😉
      Thank you so much for always trusting me with your French journey ❤️

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About Dylane

Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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