The Perfect French with Dylane


Learn Numbers from 1 to 10 in French – Learn French Pronunciation!

How to Pronounce Numbers from 1 to 10 in French

Numbers from 1 to 10 in French aren’t always pronounced the same way depending if they are: 

  • pronounced alone 
  • followed by a word starting with a vowel 
  • followed by a word starting with a consonant

Some of them Numbers from 1 to 10 in French such as un – deux – trois, will take a liaison when the next word starts with a vowel. Others such as six and dix, will drop the last letter when pronounced if followed by a noun starting with a consonant.

It all comes down to what letter follow them and if they are pronounced alone or not. Don’t worry, only French numbers from 1 to 10 have specific pronunciation. Others are much easier to pronounce. 

PDF of this lesson at the bottom of the page.

1 - 10 in French
6 - SIX - SIX​

1 - One - UN

The number UN in French has two pronunciations. The pronunciation that we are going to see today is the one used in the North of France, including Paris.

The IPA for UN is /ɛ̃/ /ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of UN in French:

When UN is followed by a consonant in French, it will be pronounced UN just like the number alone:

J’ai un lit
I have one bed

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a N sound:

J’ai un arbre = un Narbre
I have one tree

2 - Two - DEUX

The number DEUX in French is pronounced as DEU without the X. The X is never pronounced at the end of French numbers.

The IPA for DEUX is /dø/ /ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of DEUX in French:

When DEUX is followed by a consonant in French, nothing happens. The pronunciation stays the same as the pronunciation of the number alone.

Tu as deux tables
You have two tables

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a N sound:

Tu as deux enfants = deu Zenfants
You have two children

3 - Three - TROIS

The number TROIS in French is pronounced as TROI without the S. The S will be pronounced as a Z sound when followed by a word starting with a vowel.

The IPA for TROIS is /tʁwa/ /ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of TROIS in French:

When TROIS is followed by a consonant in French, nothing happens. The pronunciation stays the same as the pronunciation of the number alone.

Il a trois chats
He has three cats

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a Z sound:

Il a trois oranges = trois Zoranges
He has three oranges

4 - Four - QUATRE

The number QUATRE in French is the one with the most silent letters. The U after Q isn’t pronounced, as well as the final E.

The IPA for QUATRE is /katʁ//

Pronunciation of QUATRE in French:

When QUATRE is followed by a consonant in French, nothing happens. The pronunciation stays the same as the pronunciation of the number alone.

Elle a quatre téléphones
She has four phones

The pronunciation stays similar when followed by a vowel since quatre doesn’t end with a consonant. Therefore, no liaison is happening. 

Elle a quatre idées
She has four ideas

5 - Five - CINQ

The number CINQ in French is almost pronounced as it’s spelled. The letters IN are pronounced IN just like UN.

The IPA for CINQ is /sɛ̃k/ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of CINQ in French:

When CINQ is followed by a consonant in French, the pronunciation stays the same as the pronunciation of CINQ alone. 

On a cinq chiens
We have five dogs

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a K sound:

On a cinq ans = cin Kans
We are five years old

6 - SIX - SIX

The number SIX in French is quit interesting since it can be pronounced three different ways. When pronounced alone, it’s pronounced as SIS. The X being pronounced as an S.

The IPA for SIX is /sis/ /ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of SIX in French:

When SIX is followed by a consonant in French, the final sound, which is S, is going to dropped.

Nous avons six bouteilles = si bouteilles
We have six bottles

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a Z sound this time:

Nous avons six enfants = si Zenfants
We have six children


The number SEPT in French is pronounced as SET without the P. The P is always silent in SEPT. 

The IPA for SEPT is /sɛt/ /ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of SEPT in French:

When SEPT is followed by a consonant in French, nothing happens. The pronunciation stays the same as the pronunciation of the number alone.

Vous avez sept maisons
You have seven houses

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a T sound:

Vous avez sept appartements = se Tappartements
You have seven apartments


The number HUIT in French is particular. The H is never pronounced but the final T is in this case. 

The IPA for HUIT is /ɥit//

Pronunciation of HUIT in French:

When HUIT is followed by a consonant in French, the final S, which is T is not pronounced:

Ils ont huit tasses = hui tasses
They have eight cups

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a T sound:

Ils ont huit ans = hui Tans
They are eight years old


The number NEUF in French is pronounced fully including the final F.

The IPA for NEUF is /nœf/ /ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of NEUF in French:

When NEUF is followed by a consonant in French, nothing happens. The pronunciation stays the same as the pronunciation of the number alone.

Elles ont neuf paires de chaussures
They have nine pairs of shoes

When followed by a vowel, we are going to drop the F and add a liaison with a V sound:

Elles ont neuf ans = neu Vans
They are nine years old

10 - TEN - DIX

The number DIX in French is pronounced as DIS without the X. The X is never pronounced at the end of French numbers.

The IPA for DIX is /dis/ /ɛ̃/

Pronunciation of DIX in French:

When SIX is followed by a consonant in French, the final sound, which is S, is going to dropped.

J’ai dix plantes = di plantes
I have ten plants

When followed by a vowel, we are going to add a liaison with a Z sound this time:

J’ai dix œufs = di Zœufs
I have ten eggs

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    If you prefer to watch a video lesson about Numbers from 1 to 10 in French you can watch this video. Or Check out my Youtube channel with +800 French Learning videos.

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    2 Responses

    1. Bonjour Dylane,
      J’espère que-tu vas bien et tu as passé une bonne vacances.
      Bien, je vais m’écris en anglais…
      I was looking at all the materials you have, most which I happily have purchased, and I thought I would review liaison with numbers 1-10 in French.
      I will say, I believe that I pronounce most of them correctly, as I have had your instructions via video and your courses. However I still have to master 6&10 with consonants. I know I will always have a strong accent, especially for the French people in the Bourgogne region of France. 😜

      Je te remercie Dylane !
      Bien à toi,

    Leave a Reply


    About Dylane

    Dylane is the owner & founder of “The perfect French with Dylane”, a YouTube channel and website where she teaches students from all around the world all the aspects of the French language.

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